Monday, January 18, 2010

I love my life.

This weekend was a nice, relaxing time at home. Since getting internet at our house we don't have to go to town so much and if we do, we don't have to stay for 5 hours while trying to catch up with everything! We also are getting a ride up and down from our house right after school on Wednesdays to grab groceries which is really nice because we don't have to take a mototaxi back up and/or stay for a long time. This Saturday we ended up walking to town just for fun but we didn't bring anything ... backpacks, computers, etc. We just walked! I even got a little sunburn! (The weather has been mostly warmer so that's nice). Saturday night we had church and hung out with friends. We have a new teacher here - Tad Vanden Brink from Michigan. He'll be helping at our school with the ESL program as well as teaching some Social Studies classes!

Sunday morning I went to the comedor and hung out with our neighbors. Abi and I spent about half an hour outside chasing hens and little chickens around - it was so great! Then we went inside and Abi did my hair and make-up - it was so beautiful! Luis Enoc also joined in on the fun but this was after he'd eaten a bunch of cookies so I had make up, glitter, knots and cookie crumbs in my head. Perfect Sunday morning/afternoon :) Since I was over, the neighbors made me stay for lunch- we had Yuca con chicarron. Yuca is kind of like potato or yam and chicarron is really good fried pork. Sonya had put some spices on the pork and it was SO SO SO good.

I had a dream last night that I was in Half-Price books picking out books for my kids. When I woke up I got so sad! I've been doing DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) for the first ten minutes of my reading class with the kids and we use books from the school library, but there aren't a lot of books that work for my kid's English reading level and are interesting. So after waking up from this dream, I layed in bed for a little while (well, obviously I stayed in bed, it was like 1 am :)) but I stayed up and thought for awhile and this is what I came up with.... if anyone is interested in donating books.... wouldn't that be so cool? You could put a little note in it and my kids could have some interaction with people from where I'm from! Anyway..... just a thought, I love books so so much I want my kids to like reading too! I think their reading level is about 2-4 grade so... Boxcar Children, those Great Illustrated Classic books, anything that has to do with soccer.... anyway. so if you want to send something.... that would be SO GREAT!

gracias, lempira, honduras.

ok. anyway, that has been my weekend! Today at school was great. I thought of a fun treat for my fellow teachers- teach the kids the Lamb Chop song. If you were a child, parent or teacher in the 90s, you probably know this song but if you don't .... here are the lyrics:

This is the song that never ends
Yes it goes on and on my friends
Some people started singing it, not knowin what it was
And they'll continue singing it forever just because (repeat.... forever)

What? I had to teach that repeat didn't always just mean two times! So now there are 2nd through 4th graders in Honduras that can sing that song. And my friends are.... really happy with me :) Ah.... the freedom of beinga teacher without curriculum. ;)

Not a lot elso going on. Hope everyone is having a great week! (how's the weather)


  1. Hello there, LB. I am a fan of your blogged days! You are in inspiration in my life as you enjoy all the food and variety in a different culture-I loved seeing all that a foreign country was all about. AND you share God's love and impact little people all day.
    Also, I have meant to tell you that I think you are quite a song writer and singer-ie: Em's wedding!
    Love to you from your much older friend,
    Ellen Feinberg.(the weather is ice)

  2. Hi Laura Beth. I just enjoy reading your messages. It is Sunday afternoon. We had a good meal..Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy carrots, beets and pie. Following that I took a nap and did some crocheting. I have an order for three name panels so that keeps me busy for a while. In about an half an hour I'll go to the dining room where is an open house birthday party Some of the food you have to eat sounds like the food I would enjoy. You mentioned you have a new teacher at your place by the name of Tad Vanden Brink. Did you know that is my maiden name? I use to live in Grand Rapids, Mich. What town is he from? The weather here has been cold and nasty. But we should not complain as other parts of the country they are less fortunate. We are comfortable here. Trust you are having a blessed Sunday. Love you.
