Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Houston, Texas Airport. Ten hour layover. Hour 8.

"If you close your eyes, you may see a pool of lovely pale colors. If you squeeze them tighter, the pool will take on different shapes, and the colors will become brighter- so bright, that in a moment they'll go on fire. And in that moment, just before they do, you will see NeverLand."
This quote from Peter Pan (the Broadway version with Mary Martin of course :)) is kind of how I'm feeling right now. I'm just to that point of closing my eyes and waiting for that moment just before you think everything's going to burst into flames and then you see something beautiful... I can't wait. But... eh. a little scary. I've been anticipating this trip since November- how exciting to go to another country and learn and teach and have this great time of growth and gallovanting all over the place. Today I woke up (actually I didn't, I stayed up all night) - but I gathered my life in the two suitcases and two carry-ons allowed, said goodbye to my family and just left. I left this morning knowing that when I come back to the United States, things would be different- what hits me most is EMILY WILL BE MARRIED! I don't think I realized that until this morning, which of course made my eyes water more than a little bit. I just love my family. I will miss them a lot. Today was my first time I'e done the whole plane thing without a huge group and an adult telling me what to do (seriously what I have been most nervous about). Luckily, my dad came and did as much as he could with me at the DSM airport, but what a strange moment once I went to have my carry-ons checked and then it was just... well! see ya later! and I was on my own.

The plane ride was just fine; we flew in and around the clouds the entire way and it was beautiful. I didn't have a seatmate, so I scooted over to the window and just drank in God's goodness. Sometimes God and I play this game where I ask Him to show me something really cool that relates to how I'm feeling and I do the random Bible opening. He sometimes indulges me by delivering something something special and today was one of those days!

On the plane I opened to Psalm 8-

O Lord, our Lord Your majestic name fills the earth!

Your glory is higher than the heavens.

You have taught children and infants

to tell of Your strength,

silencing Your enemies and all who oppose You.

When I look at the night sky and see the work of Your fingers- the moon and the stars You set in place-

what are mere mortals that You should think about them, human beings that You should care for them?

Yet You made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.

You gave them charge of everything You made, putting all things under their authority-

the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals,

the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents.

O Lord our Lord Your majestic name fills the earth!

Try reading that while you're thousands of feet up in the air. :) It was a breathtaking moment and I just soaked it in.
So, that flight dropped me off at the Houston airport and here I have sat since about 9 this morning. I've read, slept, wandered around with my bags, had some lunch, and just spent the last two hours coloring with a little girl. Oh, and watching The Office! I'm currently typing this blog up in a Word document because there isn't free wireless internet but... somehow I'm already managing without my phone and internet! I think that's the hardest part about traveling alone- that I'm COMPLETELY alone. I've started up conversations with some random people but... it's not quite the same. I am surviving though and I suppose everyone needs alone time every now and then- I'm pretty sure this can be my year's worth of alone time though- I am tired out trying to entertain myself! At least you're getting an update out of it!
I think that's about it for now. Until the next time!
PS I was also sitting here trying to think of what I've probably forgotten at home and then realized I'd forgotten to take my nose ring out. So I went to the bathroom (disgusting, by the way) and the nose ring is officially gone. Bummer. I liked that thing :)

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